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Text File  |  2004-05-18  |  14.8 KB  |  510 lines

  1. object FrmEditSig: TFrmEditSig
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  102.         'Very large'
  103.         'Largest')
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  106.   object PnlSig: TPanel
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  317.   object PnlToolbar2: TPanel
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  462.         OnClick = CurrentTime1Click
  463.       end
  464.       object CurrentDate1: TMenuItem
  465.         Caption = 'Current Dat&e'
  466.         OnClick = CurrentDate1Click
  467.       end
  468.       object DateandTime1: TMenuItem
  469.         Caption = 'Date a&nd Time'
  470.         OnClick = DateandTime1Click
  471.       end
  472.       object DayoftheWeek1: TMenuItem
  473.         Caption = 'Day of the &Week'
  474.         OnClick = DayoftheWeek1Click
  475.       end
  476.       object AccountTag1: TMenuItem
  477.         Caption = 'Acco&unt Tag'
  478.         OnClick = AccountTag1Click
  479.       end
  480.       object RandomLinefromaFile1: TMenuItem
  481.         Caption = '&Random Line from a File'
  482.         OnClick = RandomLinefromaFile1Click
  483.       end
  484.       object ContentsofaFile1: TMenuItem
  485.         Caption = '&Contents of a File'
  486.         OnClick = ContentsofaFile1Click
  487.       end
  488.     end
  489.   end
  490.   object OpenTag: TOpenDialog
  491.     Filter = 'All files (*.*)|*.*'
  492.     Left = 330
  493.     Top = 148
  494.   end
  495.   object XMLInterface: TWPXMLInterface
  496.     HTMLMode = True
  497.     StyleSheets = <>
  498.     Encoding = 'windows-1250'
  499.     Left = 302
  500.     Top = 111
  501.   end
  502.   object StyleCollection: TWPStyleCollection
  503.     Styles = <>
  504.     SaveToStreamFormat = wpSaveCSSFormat
  505.     AssignDefaultAttr = True
  506.     Left = 382
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  509. end